
Welcome to Matt Goes Exploring. Check out "The Trip" for all sixty + posts from my trip around the world. For other explorations stick to "Home" and for a glimpse into my crazy creative mind, check out "On My Mind" (more posts to come soon). [Social media links right down there vvvv]

Day 6: Traveling to Rome

Day 6: Traveling to Rome

I was greeted by the owner of the hotel with "are you lonely?" A question most likely asked in some form of translation error, but one that was perfectly unexpected enough to shatter what little ego I had left.

I don't have any photos from today, partly because I was unexpectedly strapped for time and partly because there wasn't much to take photos of. I woke up in Galway, took the train the Dublin, and got on a plane to Rome. Now I am here sitting in this hotel at 10:30pm. Where does the time go?

Here's a few things I wrote from the plane and later the taxi:


4:35 pm Dublin

Not until the bus to the airport cost me an hour and getting my boarding pass took half an hour did I think I might miss my flight. No need to worry, I am sitting comfortably as the plane takes off now. But I had to run through the airport. I didn't *have* to run, I only felt like I did. By the time I reached the security line it was eighteen minutes to four. According to my ticket the gate closed at four.

I should be in the Brazil Olympics this summer for speed walking. I trekked what felt like halfway across the Dublin airport (though it probably wasn't, the writer's word for that is hyperbole). When I finally reached the gate, the line to board hadn't even started moving yet. So they had formed a line to board, just hadn't started processing tickets yet. I was relieved but also embarrassed. I struggled to take my sweatshirt off as more people filled up the line behind me because I was sweating from my trek. After a few minutes I realized the line wasn't going anywhere and I gathered myself in the bathroom right next to the gate. I felt like a big dumb idiot for racing through the airport, but I made it. And right now, that's all that matters.

Except for the group of nuns I had to bowl through while running, they might be upset.

That is a joke.

Thank goodness this is my last flight for a while.

9:12pm Rome

I'm in Rome. I'm riding in a taxi to tonight's hotel before I can check into the AirBnB tomorrow. The driver (I haven't caught his name yet) is very friendly. He pointed out a two thousand year old aqueduct off the side of the highway on the way into Rome. Can't wait to see more of this place. Now I have to stop writing before I get carsick. The driving here is pretty crazy.


Landing in Rome was rather simple compared to all other airports. Customs was essentially a look at my passport, walk by a german shepherd, and I was in to Rome.

So tonight I am in a hotel as opposed to an AirBnB or a hostel. Today is the one unaccounted for day in the schedule, so after booking a place in Rome and Galway, it ended up that I needed one more night. So here I am for tonight. Tomorrow morning I check into an AirBnB and my adventure can truly start.

Maybe that's why I feel so strange right now. It's like I'm not quite in Rome yet, just one stop away.

I have to talk about this hotel a little more though. It is unlike any hotel I've ever stayed at. I wandered around trying to find a big door and a sign to no avail. Eventually I looked over the email and noticed that they said "the name on the intercom is *hotel name.*" It turns out I have to find the address, and buzz up to the hotel which is only on one floor of the building. The hotel itself is nice, I just had no idea that was what I should be looking for. Thankfully though, I am here, I have a bed and a shower. I can rest easy tonight.

Tomorrow the fun stuff begins.

Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow.

Day 7: The Colosseum & The Roman Forum

Day 7: The Colosseum & The Roman Forum

Day 5: Inis Oirr & The Cliffs of Moher

Day 5: Inis Oirr & The Cliffs of Moher